Two Students Named As Siemens Competition Semi-finalists

High Technology High School students Julienne Chaqour and Anjali Chakradhar are among more than 400 semi-finalists named across the United States in this year’s prestigious Siemens Competition, the nation’s premier competition in math, science and technology for high school students.  Julienne Chaqour and Anjali Chakradhar were selected from more than 1600 students who submitted innovative individual and team research projects.

 “These semi-finalists should be extremely proud of this high-level academic accomplishment,” said David Etzwiler, CEO of the Siemens Foundation. “Their projects represent some of the most noteworthy and exceptional of those submitted and reflected an advanced level of STEM research.” 

Judging is now taking place to determine who, from this elite group, will now go on to compete in the 6 regional finals, taking place in November.  Individual and team winners from the regional competitions advance to the final phase of the contest which takes place in December in Washington, DC where they will compete for top prizes of up to $100,000 in scholarships. 

About the Siemens Competition

Launched by the Siemens Foundation in 1999, the Siemens Competition promotes excellence in math, science, and technology and is recognized by colleges and universities as the premier math and science research competition in the United States. More than $600,000 in college scholarships are awarded to students annually through the Siemens Competition during regional and national events administered by Discovery Education. The Siemens Competition honors the best and brightest students for their accomplishments in math and science – students who are changing the world for the better. (For more information about the Siemens Competition click here )